
808, 2012

Long time no blog..USA champs in review

August 8th, 2012|Uncategorized|

Its been awhile since ‘Ive written anything…lots of personal stuff going on…lots of paddlings stuff too. Patrick and Sean had a fun, if uneventful Molokai race in the double…I opted to give up Patrick to Sean and let them race it turned out, no wind again for the channel [...]

2103, 2012

New things added on Accessory Pages

March 21st, 2012|Uncategorized|

Some new items just in…Fireskin tops by Reef South Africa for Ocean Paddlesports…. If its cold where you paddle, this is a must have. We first saw these in the Mocke’s shop in Fish Hoek,South Africa. Fleece lined paddling tops…check them out. Long and short sleeve. […]

1902, 2012

Next shipment

February 19th, 2012|Container News|

Since it was obvious the Swordfish would sell out fast, our next shipment was ordered last month and will leave South Africa in a week.

1802, 2012

All exams done!!!

February 18th, 2012|Container News|

Truck is in line at the terminal to get the shipment. We should be unloading this afternoon!!! Wavechaser on Sunday with the skis, YEA!

2601, 2012

Cape Point Challenge 2011

January 26th, 2012|Uncategorized|

OPS News item image 6 am start from Scarborough Beach on the Atlantic side. Anyway, we asked if we could switch batches and the race organizer said "NO" all mixed will go together. As it turns out Matt also asked to switch later in the evening and according to the race organizer he was tired of the badgering so he said yes. There went our race. They were getting pulled to the point with faster mens crews and we were the fastest in our group, doing the pulling or getting pulled at a snails pace of 10.5 to 11 km/hour. I mentally bitched the whole 26 km to the tip of Africa that it was too slow. And as it turns out if we had just been about .5km/hour faster we would have won. But to be fair, the other crew had to do the distance and I am sure our slow pace to the point is one of the reasons we felt so great in the second half of the race. But with that aside, s@@@t happens and we paddled the best race in a long time. We grinded hard, never died, dropped the mens double we were with at the point by 6 minutes at the finish(sorry Sean, that was you). And for the second time we were second mixed..but by only 2 minutes and so knowing that it would have been different if we had been batched together..all was forgotten after the 6 pack Sean and his partner owed us at the party. We are planning Cape Point number 3,not sure if it will be 2012 or later, but either we win the mixed or we go single..and that's a whole other out there on a single. Cape Points is special, 2 oceans, the vibe, the challenge, the distance,sharks, reefs, everything.....This is what makes surfski paddling an adventure. OPS News item image