
1110, 2013

Next shipment has been ordered

October 11th, 2013|Container News|

Exciting news...FENN skis in Hawaii. With the next shipment we will have dealers on all Hawaiian Islands. Contact Dylan Thomas for pre-order information. dylan [at]

1105, 2013


May 11th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Read a review about the new beginner ski the BLUE FIN. We have them available now in the Fiberglass vacum lay up for $2500 or the Carbon Hybrid Lay up $2900. Give us a call or a demo!!! 949-642-0755 […]

3101, 2013

container here Thursday Jan. 31!

January 31st, 2013|Container News|

We will be unloading tomorrow,so if you want to come and get your ski, please wait till 2 pm or so. But dont wait too long..We have only a few Glides and Sparks left. All deposit orders have been filled. Mocke PFDS are not on this container..that's a seperate shipment, [...]

3110, 2012

Training with the Pros

October 31st, 2012|Uncategorized|

Here is a terrific article written by Chris Laughlin(reprinted with permission) Expert training advice from the best paddlers in the world, Dawid Mocke,Sean Rice and Michele Eray.