
705, 2014

Austin Kieffer Racing in Bellingham

May 7th, 2014|Uncategorized|

Dan Harris Challenge: the Fenn SL still on top! Finally, another race! With the SoCal series finished, I have been longing for a start line for over a month. Training alone can be fun and certainly affords me a measure of flexibility, but when you are always racing the clock [...]

2712, 2013

Jantex paddle…NEW Size Small Plus

December 27th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Had a chance to try a new size Gamma Jantex paddle..the Small PLUS. Its awesome, perfect for women or the surfski paddler where the Gamma Medium was too large and the Gamma Small was too little. 720 Square CM. And we have another choice for shaft stiffness. The NEW Flexi [...]

2911, 2013

Fenn Surfski

November 29th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Ocean Paddlesports is the USA home of Fenn Surfskis and paddles, Mocke Gear, Jantex and Gara paddles. We wish you a very happy holiday season. If there is anything we can do to help you improve your paddling, please let us know. Technique and training lessons, surf entry and downwind..we [...]

1110, 2013

Next shipment has been ordered

October 11th, 2013|Container News|

Exciting news...FENN skis in Hawaii. With the next shipment we will have dealers on all Hawaiian Islands. Contact Dylan Thomas for pre-order information. dylan [at]