
504, 2015

2015 Mocke Racer PFDs are here!!

April 5th, 2015|Uncategorized|

Our shipment of the NEW 2015 Mocke Racer pfds are here. Go to product shop to order. Product shop The MOCKE Racer Personal Flotation Device has a unique body moulding floatation system that makes it the most comfortable PFD on the market. Designed to be competitive at the highest level [...]

1311, 2014

Ocean Paddlesports EAST

November 13th, 2014|Uncategorized|

We are expanding! East Coast paddlers now have FENN Surf Skis in the Atlantic North East! All Models are available with Jim Hoffman in CT. Contact Jim to schedule your demo today and get ready for the FENNtastic paddling. {encode=”” title=”Contact Jim at OPS EAST”} […]