Container arrived in Long Beach
Delivery September 1 to Costa Mesa!!!
container arrived in the bahamas
waiting for the transfer over to LA....3-4 weeks.
New Product
Velcro Foot Strap Cover […]
FENN Elite S
Great review here on the New Elite S. […]
Next container ordered
MORE OC 1 and 2, and sit on top K1s for river racing..More FENN S as well !!! Yay paddling!!
Gorge Paddling Festival and USA Surfski Champs Surfski Rentals
IF you are interested in renting a surfski for either of these two North American World cup races, please download form and return to secure your FENN surfski. We will be driving a large trailer to both locations for you!!!! . […]
2015 Mocke Racer PFDs are here!!
Our shipment of the NEW 2015 Mocke Racer pfds are here. Go to product shop to order. Product shop The MOCKE Racer Personal Flotation Device has a unique body moulding floatation system that makes it the most comfortable PFD on the market. Designed to be competitive at the highest level [...]
all exams done, waiting for trucker
Ok, container ready at terminal after 3 customs exams..waiting on Steamship line to schedule truck driver. Hope to unload Wednesday, March 18. 3 months and 5 days after it left South Africa.
Back up at the Harbor
Our shipment is in the harbor but wont dock until March 6. We were notified of a customs exam of course. I hope we unload by March 15!
Container held at the Panama Canel
Due to the doc kworker slow down at all West Coast Ports, our shipment is on vacation in Panama. ETA to LA is February 26. Unload day is not yet determined...
Newport Aquatic Center Hal Rosoff Race
come say hi at the big black tent and check out the newest products from MOCKE, FENN, Jantex and all we sell. Fun day at the beach! […]
container arrives in the Bahamas
ETA to Costa Mesa is end of February.
Fenn, Mocke gear and Carbonology
Container packing up first week of December....Special requests let me know ASAP!
Ocean Paddlesports EAST
We are expanding! East Coast paddlers now have FENN Surf Skis in the Atlantic North East! All Models are available with Jim Hoffman in CT. Contact Jim to schedule your demo today and get ready for the FENNtastic paddling. {encode=”” title=”Contact Jim at OPS EAST”} […]
2014 Mocke PFD Arrived
Last week a shipment of new Mocke pfds arrived and are selling fast. Get yours now for winter paddling. order here ere […]
Container arrived Costa Mesa
All unloaded and fully stocked! But hurry, paddlers been waiting so long the goodies are flying off the lawn!
No container this week..
Longshoremen went on a slow down today for the rest of the week, so we will not have our container this week. Bummer for the long weekend!! sorry paddlers!
Arrived in Los Angeles
Shipment unloaded on June 25.. Customs Hold, waiting on x ray exam.