What a superb race for the Fenn boys..Top 3 and Patrick 5th and 1st women with Nikki smoking the course to come in 8th. You guys/gals are great.

Eva winning the short course and NOAH…number 9. I am so proud of everyone. Mocke PFDs sold like hot cakes and Fenn Elites went home with happy customers..still with sand on them from Dawid, Hank, Nikki and Pat.OPS News item imageOnly real downer was for me personally. I had a fantastic 20 mintues of racing until my shoulder pulled..popped and stopped working under the gate. My paddle stuck, my boat spun and I was done. Tried to limp back to the start, but could not use my right arm…rode a safety boat back to the beach and watched the rest of the weekend. I gave up my mixed doubles to Nikki and Pat. Not sure what I did, but not too pleased about my first signifcant injury in almost 15 years.

I will do a big write up about the weekend for my home page later when the photos are uploaded and the trailer and boxes unpacked again.

Thanks to Wavechaser for a wonderful event!!