Super fun weekend spent on the beach. Friday was the Junior lifeguard regionals where Hayden (11) went to compete for Huntington State Beach. He had a fantasitic day, getting 2nd place in the C age group boys paddleboard. It came down to a sprint off the wave and he was up on his knees and running for 2nd. He was thrilled and is gunning for first at the nationals.

Patrick and I decided to go and compete in the Seniors. He represents Laguna Beach as he was a lifeguard there for many years. I go as an associate member because I never worked. Team Hemmens won all the surfski races..what a great day. Pat won the open and the age group and so did I. I managed to get a chance to try and beat that Aussie girl from last weekend. Turned out not to be a wave for me this time and I was ahead from the beginning…and no wipe outs at the finish. So relived to get the surf jitters out for a while. I jumped on the a paddleboard too and had a fun race winning the age group…..All in all a super day on the beach, even Danica was there for 7 hours…slept in her stroller..what a tropper. OPS News item image